If your work exposes you to a risk of flash fires, electric arcs, or combustible dust explosions, you need fire resistant clothing to protect you. According to OSHA, flame resistant clothing “is a type of apparel that is made out of material that is meant to self-extinguish once the ignition source has been removed.” Certain jobs are more likely to expose you to the hazards requiring these types of uniforms than others. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous jobs that require fire resistant clothing, in no particular order.
1) Electric Utility Line Workers –
Working at extreme heights and being exposed to dangerous weather conditions are the least of an electrical utility line worker’s worries. Add to that the danger of working in confined spaces, and that is not even taking into consideration their interactions with live power lines. Not only are electrical utility line workers at risk for contact with a variety of high voltage materials, but they also face the hazards that are associated with welding and cutting.
It is the nature of electrical utility line workers to head into hazardous weather conditions. In an effort to restore power to areas affected by storms, their commitment to their work mirrors that of first responders, says Safety and Health Magazine. They require special gear and special clothing to make sure that they are safe on the job.
2) Electricians –
Electricians face a wide variety of hazards. They are often exposed to dangerous substances such as asbestos, lead, mold, chemical solvents, and bird or rat dropping. Their work environments often reach extreme temperatures. They often work extended workdays. Traveling on the job is often required. They work in confined spaces that require risk of injury from being in awkward positions for long periods of time. Eye injuries are possible from flying particles. They work with a variety of equipment and face welding and cutting risks. They face the potential risks of tripping and falling. To top it all off with an extra portion of added danger, electricians often work alone.
3) Chemical Plant Workers –
People who work in chemical plants have their own special brand of danger. They are at risk of chemical spills, splashes, and inhalation. Explosions and fires caused by flammable gases, chain reactions and pressurized gases and liquids are another hazard that chemical plant workers face. Chemical plant workers also are often exposed to high temperatures cause by equipment, hot surfaces, and even radiation. Another thermal risk these workers face is extreme cold. They often use sharp objects and equipment that cause them to be in danger of being cut. Any slippery surface at a chemical plant could cause a slip or fall. Mechanical failure could create extreme danger in a chemical plant. Oxygen deprivation can occur in certain conditions at a chemical plant. In addition to all of that, there is always the potential for a toxic gas leak.
4) Workers in the Oil and Gas Industry –
Surprisingly, one of the biggest risks faced by those who work in the oil and gas industry is vehicle collisions. This is due to exhaustion on the part of the drivers who work in this industry. The machinery found in the oil and gas industry is typically extremely loud and can have strong vibrations. That in itself can harm poses a risk to these workers and requires protective gear to be worn. Much of the equipment and machinery in the oil and gas industry is unguarded, so workers are at risk of getting stuck, crushed, or struck by it. There is the constant risk of exposure to toxic chemicals for workers in the oil and gas industry. The chemicals and fumes that are produced when processing and drilling can cause dizziness, skin or eye irritation, or more serious problems such as respiratory problems, brain problems, leukemia, cancer, paralysis, or death. The elevated platforms on which oil and gas workers often do their jobs pose a risk of injuries due to falling. Last but not least, there is a constant risk of fires and explosion when working for the oil and gas industry.
5) Workers in the Pulp and Paper Industry –
Workers in the pulp and paper industry also face a variety of risk. Exposure to chemicals such as ethanol, sulfuric acid, and sodium hydroxide mist create the risk for respiratory disease for these workers. Pretty much every step in the paper making process exposes workers to risks. Working with the heavy equipment and even the huge roles of paper poses the physical risk of being crushed or falling. There is the danger of being scalded, exposed to a flash fire, or electrocuted while making paper. There is also a risk of explosion during the paper making process.
Whether you work in one of these five dangerous jobs or another job that puts you at risk, it is important to take precautions to ensure your own safety. Make sure to stay alert, follow safety procedures, and wear protective gear, such as fire resistant clothing.
-Yury Bialik, Guest Blogger for FROutlet.com
FROutlet.com is your gateway to NFPA 70E & 2112 compliant as well as HRC 2 arc rated and flame retardant safety clothing at an affordable price point.
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