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FR Education & Guides

Posts tagged: OEHS

FR Clothing in Emerging Industries: Expanding the Role of Flame-Resistant Workwear

When we think of flame-resistant (FR) clothing, traditional industries like oil and gas, utilities, and manufacturing often come to mind. However, as industrial landscapes evolve, new sectors are emerging where workers face unique fire hazards.

Flame-Resistant Workwear & PFAS: Balancing Safety, Health, and Durability

With questions swirling around about the potential health effects of PFAS, the safety of FR workwear has come under scrutiny. This blog post will address some of the often-asked questions about PFAS in FR workwear.

The Ultimate Guide to Flame-Resistant Workwear for Plant Shutdowns and Turnarounds

Safety should always be your top priority when working in high-risk environments, such as during industrial plant shutdowns and turnarounds. This includes choosing the right flame-resistant (FR) workwear that can protect you from potential hazards. Here is a guide on what you need to know about FR uniforms for these...

FR Workwear FAQ: What are the most frequently asked questions about flame resistant workwear?

What are the most frequently asked questions about flame-resistant uniforms? Flame-resistant (FR) uniforms are designed to protect workers from fire hazards, heat, and electrical arcs. Some of the most frequently asked questions about flame-resistant uniforms include...

National Safety Month Series: Part 3 | NFPA 2113 Basics

While the NFPA® 70E and NFPA® 2112 standards are necessary for workplace safety, NFPA® 2113 is an important standard for ensuring the safety of employees wearing NFPA® 2112 compliant garments. In this article, we will explore the NFPA® 2113 standard.   FR Safety Standards Series: Part 3 NFPA 2113 is...

National Safety Month Series: Part 2 | NFPA 2112 Basics

While protecting against arc flashes in the industrial workplace is essential, they are not the only danger. Flashfire safety is just as important. In part two of the FR Safety Series, we will explore some of the basics of the NFPA 2112 standard.   FR Safety Standards Series: Part 2  ...

Care and Use of Your FR Face Mask

Download the printable PDF guide. Donning your FR Face Mask Wash your hands before touching your mask. When using a mask, be sure to wash your hands before you put the mask on and after you take it off. Proper wear is important. When you put on your mask, make...