When packing and preparing for disaster work, the things you will need to pack will depend on the type and severity of the disaster and the availability of supplies and services in the area of work.
Keep in mind everything listed here is a suggestion intended to make storm/disaster work prep easier for you. All suggestions have been compiled from various blogs, interviews, and lists available online and from experienced linemen and their families.
Read our linemen interview & more disaster work prep tips here.
Other important considerations:
-Update any emergency contact information with your company and make sure your crew has your emergency contact information.
-Be sure to have updated emergency contact information in your wallet as well as any medical insurance cards you may need.
-If you belong to a union, make sure dues are paid and beneficiaries are up to date.
Clothing Items (pack enough for 2 weeks):
Find FR Safety Clothing for the Electric Power Industry here.
Work Clothes & Gear
- FR Shirts
- FR Jeans
- FR Pants
- Work Boots
Other Clothing Items
- Good Work Socks
- Underwear
- T-Shirts
- Joggers or Athletic Shorts
- Casual Shoes or Sneakers
- Swim Trunks for Communal Showers
- Flip Flops, Crocs, or Water Shoes (for showers and running around in the hotel)
*Depending on the Climate
- FR Insulated Bibs or Coveralls
- FR Balaclava, Gloves, Hand Warmers
- FR Insulated Jacket
- FR Hoodie Sweatshirts
- FR Fleece Jackets
- FR Pocket Tees & Henleys for layering
- Rain Gear
- Winter Boots
Personal Hygiene Items:
- 3-in-1 Bodywash/Shampoo/Conditioner
- Chapstick
- Deodorant
- Shaver/Razors/Shave Gel
- Gold Bond/Monkey Butt
- Toothpaste/Toothbrush
- Floss
- Mouthwash
- Q tips
- Lotion
- Sunscreen
- Loofah - Washcloth - Towel
- Wet Wipes/Baby Wipes
- Prescription Medications & Ointments
- Small First Aid KIt:
(Tums, Pain Reliever, Band-Aids, Neosporin, Aquaphor, Vicks, Allergy Meds, Tweezers/Sewing Needle)
- Ear Plugs
- Glasses
- Contacts/Contact solution
- Nail Clippers & File
Living & Comfort Items:
- Air Mattress
- Hammock
- Inverter
- Sleeping Bag
- Small Pillow/Blanket
- Solar Charger/Power Brick
- Tent
- Cash for Spending (plus hidden emergency cash)
- Dryer Sheets (to ward off spiders in boots or bags)
- Bug Spray
- Insect Repellent
- 90% Rubbing Alcohol & Spray Bottle (to spray on the bed to ward off bed bugs)
- Good Flashlight with Extra Batteries and/or
- Hardhat Light with Extra Batteries
- Phone Charger for Car and Hotel (one of each)
- Reusable Laundry Bag (canvas or mesh)
- Rolls of Quarters (for vending machines and laundry at a hotel)
Nonperishable Food/Snacks:
- Canned Meat/Tuna
- Cheese and Crackers
- Peanut Butter
- Granola bars
- Trail Mix or Mixed Nuts
- Jerky
- Protein Bars
- Water
- Gatorade
Severe Disaster/Unknown Length of Stay:
- Add an additional week’s worth of clothing
- Plug-In Lunch Box Cooler (to hold ice)
- JetBoil (or another backpacking stove)
- Small BBQ Grill
- LifeStraw (or another personal water filter)
- Tegaderm (to protect wounds if needed)
- Industrial Umbrella
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